

This section contains the following elements:

  • Action Set
    This element allows you to define a set of actions which are to be executed in one go, for example to show a screen and simultaneously start a timer when pressing a button.

  • Animation
    You can use this element to animate another element. You have the possibility to change the position, the opacity or the size. Of course, you can also make all three changes at the same time.

  • Conditional Action
    You can use this element to perform an action depending on one or more conditions.

  • Alert View
    This element allows you to display a message box to the user of your app. In this box a heading, a text and an OK button are displayed.

  • Form Data Transmission
    This element can be used to send form data from your iOS app to a script on a remote server. For example, you can create a contact form in your project.

  • Share Menu
    The Share menu offers a convenient way to exchange information from the current context with other apps, social media accounts and many other services.

  • Navigation Arrows
    With the navigation arrows you give the user of your iOS app the possibility to switch between the detail pages (for example news). He does not have to go back to the overview to call up another detail page.

  • Audio Player
    You can use the Audio Player to play an audio file in your iOS app.

  • Timer
    With the timer you can execute actions time-controlled. You can also specify that the execution is to be executed at an interval.

  • Sensor
    A Sensor can monitor changes to values or contents of other elements and execute an action depending on this.