
Data Sources

This section contains the following elements:

  • Textual List
    This element offers you the possibility to integrate data from a Textual List into your project and then display information from it in your app.

  • Atom Feed
    This element offers you the possibility to integrate data from an Atom Feed into your project and then display information from it in your app.

  • RSS 2.0 Feed
    This element offers you the possibility to integrate data from an RSS 2.0 Feed into your project and then display information from it in your app.

  • JSON
    This element offers you the possibility to integrate data from an JSON feed into your project and then display information from it in your app.

  • CSV
    This element offers you the possibility to integrate data from an CSV feed into your project and then display information from it in your app.

  • Data Processing
    This element allows you to execute JavaScript code and return a value. This return value can then be used to supply other elements such as labels with dynamic data via data links.

  • Data Filter
    You can use a Data Filter to filter the contents of a Data Source according to your specifications. A Data Filter is therefore a link between the Data Source and the display element, such as a List View.