
Context-sensitive data

List View / Collection View data set

If you use a data source for the entries in a List View or Collection View and have activated the option “Use a Navigation Target” to get to the next screen by clicking on the row or cell, then the information of the corresponding data record is automatically passed on to the target screen.

Within appdoo they are then available on the target screen in the list of elements as “Context-sensitive data”.

appdoo - Context-sensitive data

To make this possible, you have to switch from the List View or Collection View screen to the target page by clicking on the row or cell. However, the row or cell itself must not be selected for this. If the List View or the Collection View or nothing is selected and you move the mouse pointer over a row of the List View or the cell of the Collection View, a button (circle) with an arrow is displayed on the right-hand side. Clicking this button takes you directly to the target screen.

appdoo - List View - Button with arrow

Depending on the type of data, the appropriate elements will be created by dragging them from the list of elements to the work space. For example, if it is a simple text, then a label is created accordingly. In the Data Links area of this label, the field from the “Context-sensitive data” is already linked to the text. Equivalent to this is then the case for other content types.

appdoo - Label - Data Links

Of course, you can also drag an element from the list of elements to the work space yourself and then add the link manually.

Data transferred by a button

If you transfer the contents of a data source to a screen via a button, then the individual data records in the list of elements are available on the target screen as “Context-sensitive data”.

appdoo - Label - from Button - List

To access the individual fields of a record, click a record. This displays the individual fields in the list of items in the Context-sensitive data area.

appdoo - Label - from Button - Fields

You can drag it into the work space or use it as a data source for items in the Data Links area.

appdoo - Label - from Button - Fields - Data Links